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How to use your stimulus check to invest for the future
David Schneider

Acorns – April 17, 2020

In this article, which talks about what to do with a stimulus check, David Schneider advises, “If you need the money soon, keep it liquid,” adding “If you don’t, and you’re able to, put it away for retirement.”
He suggests holding onto the stimulus cash while contributing more to an employer-sponsored plan stating, “That would be a sensible place to start, bumping up your 401(k) options.”

He goes on to suggest investors focus on high-quality investments that are broadly diversified, stating that “ If you do invest the money, you have to expect in all likelihood there will be additional volatility, but you’ll probably be very happy you invested 10 years from now, ” adding “This is a good opportunity to take advantage of markets that are down from where they were just a few months ago.”

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